leadership and motivation in hospitality

(Nandana) #1

H 6 (JS→JP): as employees experience greater levels of Job Satisfaction they will

also experience greater levels of Job Performance

H 7 (ML→AOC): as employees experience greater levels of Motivational

Leadership they will also experience greater levels of Affective Organisational

H 8 (AOC→JP): as employees experience greater levels of Affective

Organisational Commitment they will also experience greater levels of Job

The structural part of the model is specified as illustrated in Figure 7 - 10 and the
measurement model is initially specified with all of the relevant indicator variables
loading on each respective factor – the initial factor structure can be seen Table
7 - 14 which describes the initial parameter estimates and model fit statistics.

Figure 7-10 Structural specification for Model

Maximum Likelihood (ML) estimation was used and, once again, missing values
were replaced using AMOS’s model-based imputation function.

For CFA 3:1, all factor loadings and covariances are statistically significant. The
model diagnostics at the foot of Table 7 - 14 indicate a model that does not fit the
data very well.

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