leadership and motivation in hospitality

(Nandana) #1
The Work Values (WV) construct has a direct (and total) effect on EPA of 0.334
and, interestingly, the squared multiple correlation (SMC) value for EPA
(analogous to the R^2 value in a regression model and representing the proportion
of variance in the dependent variable explained by the predictor variables) has
risen from 0.33 (in Model 3b) to 0.42 in Model 4. The total effect of Work Values
on Job Performance, is, however, small, at 0.091.


Dependent variables

ML 0.446 0.380 0.403
EPA - 0.273 -
WV 0.334 0.091 -

Table 7-24 Total (standardised) effects for Model

In conclusion, Model 4 has confirmed H 23 that employees with more positive
dispositions towards ‘work in general’ (their Work Values) do also report higher
levels of positive work-related attitudes. The strength of this causal relationship
is estimated at 0.334. The magnitude of the effect of Work Values ultimately on
Job Performance (JP), however, is less strong, at only 0.091.

7.8 Model

Model 5 introduces the Employee Empowerment (EM) construct to the model
development process. As with Model 3b and Model 4, the re-specification of the 3
Employee Attitude constructs requires a new hypothesis to be developed to
articulate the new EM→EPA causal path. Accordingly, H 24 states that:
 employees who experience greater levels of empowerment will also report
higher levels of positive work-related attitudes

Once again, theoretical support for the new hypothesis can be found in the
values→attitudes vector of the values→attitudes→behaviour (V→A→B) hierarchy
described by Homer and Kahle (1988: 638-639). Furthermore, considering the
theoretical (and empirical) support for the effect of empowerment on the original
(ME, JS and AOC) constructs (see Section 4.4) it is clear that since the new EPA
construct contains elements of ME, JS and AOC, we might reasonably expect
empowerment to have an effect on the new factor (which is composed of ME, JS
and AOC indicators).
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