leadership and motivation in hospitality

(Nandana) #1
Source: Van Seters and Field (1990: 33)
(Reproduced with permission from Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.)

Figure 2 - 1 Van Seters and Field’s Evolutionary Tree

More recently, Antonakis et al. (2004a) have developed an original perspective
based on both those authors’ own experience and previous reviews by Lowe and
Gardner (2000), Bass (1990b), House and Aditya (1997) and Van Seters and Field
(1990). In comparison to the ‘standard model’ described by, for example,
Bryman (1992), Antonakis et al.’s model features a slightly more refined
categorisation. Significantly, however, the timelines in Antonakis et al. are more
sophisticated and show that work continues within all of the paradigms, albeit
with some more active than others. Antonakis et al.’s categories are described in
Section 2.3.5 below.

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