leadership and motivation in hospitality

(Nandana) #1

satisfy the requirements for construct validity and/or to improve model fit. The
justifications for and the substantive implications of removing these variables
have been discussed during each of the models. It is worthwhile, however,
revisiting the modifications and the associated re-interpreted constructs to
contextualise these within the framework of the hypothesised model and the
research in general. The modifications to each construct are described briefly
below and the final interpretations of the constructs are summarised in Figure
7 - 24.

The Work Values construct was ultimately measured with indicators WV1 (Gives
me status and prestige), WV4 (Lets me meet interesting people) and WV5 (Is a
useful way for me to contribute to society). These themes can be summarised as

WV1 = social status;
WV4 = social interaction; and
WV5 = societal contribution.

Accordingly, the final Work Values construct is interpreted as ‘an individual’s
general beliefs/values regarding the social and societal benefits of work and
working’. Regarding the modifications to the WV construct: removal of WV2 and
WV3 was not a cause for concern since these had been noted during the construct
development stage as being somewhat semantically different from the other item
statements (see Section 5.1). Neither was the removal of WV7 a great surprise
as this item did not belong to the original set of statements in MOW (1995)
survey form, coming instead from London (1983). WV6 was removed owing to a
high standardised residual covariance value; with hindsight, its departure is fitting
as it does not share any obvious social theme as do WV1, 4 and 5.

Motivational Leadership saw the removal of ML4 and ML5. These two
speculatively-included items related to the positive feedback from leaders (ML4)
and the leader putting the group interests before their own (ML5). The remaining
indicators ML1, ML2 and ML3 all focus on leader vision→goal→effort behaviour:
establishing a vision (ML1), articulating the vision (ML2) and encouraging effort
towards the achieving the vision (ML3). The core vision→goal→effort components
of the ML construct, therefore, remain.

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