leadership and motivation in hospitality

(Nandana) #1

Tracey (see below) and (b) the studies by Gill et al. (2006; 2010) and Zopiatis
and Constanti (2010).

The foci and findings of the 12 hospitality-leadership studies utilising TL are
summarised in Table 3 - 6. Two of the TL papers (Hinkin and Schriesheim 2008
and Tracey and Hinkin 1998) examine theoretical issues relating to the conceptual
and empirical veracity of transformational leadership. Three empirical papers
published during the 1990s examine causal models relating TL with workplace
roles and communication issues (Hinkin and Tracey 1994, Tracey and Hinkin 1994
and Tracey and Hinkin 1996).

Hinkin and Tracey (1994) - USA

 Compares transactional and transformational leadership (TL)
 Top-level management in a USA hotel company
Findings  TL influences perceptions of leadership effectiveness and subordinate
satisfaction and clarifies the direction and mission of the organisation
Tracey and Hinkin (1994) – USA
focus ^ Executive managers; large hotel-management organisation^
 More effective leaders were more transformational
 Less effective leaders were more transactional
 Transformational leaders can adapt to change and lead proactively
Tracey and Hinkin (1996) – USA

 Transformational leadership and: subordinate satisfaction; leader
effectiveness; communication openness; mission clarity; and role clarity
 Lower and middle level managers in lodging companies
Findings  TL has a direct impact on perceptions of subordinate satisfaction with
the leader and leader effectiveness, as well as an indirect effect on these
variables through its impact on openness of communication, mission
clarity, and role clarity
Tracey and Hinkin (1998) – USA [theoretical focus]

 Compared the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) with Yukl’s
Managerial Practices Survey (MPS)
 Low and middle level managers in hotels
 Accounting, marketing, human resources and operations
Findings  Mixed support for distinctiveness of the MLQ
Whitelaw and Morda (2004) – Australia

 Gender perceptions of leadership styles and outcomes
 Hospitality industry employees (level not specified)
Findings  Males place greater emphasis on ‘confronting’ and ‘sporting’
leadership styles
 Females placed greater emphasis on leadership styles built upon
clear and concise communication and a greater focus on personal
consideration for the team members.
Gill et al. (2006) - Canada

 Impact of TL on job stress (JS) and employee burnout
 Customer-contact service employee in restaurants and hotel/motel
Findings  Degree of perceived burnout related to degree of perceived stress;
degree of stress related to leadership style
Source: author

Table 3-6 Transformational leadership hospitality studies: foci and findings

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