leadership and motivation in hospitality

(Nandana) #1
The remaining empirical studies utilising TL (Whitelaw and Morda 2004; Erkutlu
2008; Scott-Halsell et al. 2008; Patiar and Mia 2009) measured the relationships
between TL and a range of outcomes. These four studies are somewhat diverse
in their nature: Whitelaw and Morda (2004) employ the standard TL outcomes as
described in Bass and Avolio’s (2008) Full-Range Leadership Model; Erkutlu
(2008) measures employees’ organisational commitment and job satisfaction;
Patiar and Mia (2009) measure organisational financial and non-financial
performance; while Scott-Halsell et al. (2008) examine emotional intelligence (in
students) as an antecedent of TL.

outcomes 3.6.1 Transformational leadership in hospitality: rationales and


To assist in understanding the collective contribution of the TL studies, Table 3 - 7
summarises the outcomes (or antecedent in the case of Scott-Halsell et al.) of TL
measured in the 10 empirical studies.

Authors Leadership outcomes measured
A - Hinkin and Tracey’s research

Hinkin and Tracey (1994)
Tracey and Hinkin (1994)
Tracey and Hinkin (1996)

Workplace roles and communication issues
subordinate satisfaction;
leader effectiveness;
communication openness;
mission clarity; and
role clarity
B - Burnout and empowerment
Gill et al. (2006) Job stress and employee burnout
Gill et al. (2010) Employee desire for empowerment
Zopiatis and Constanti (2010) Leader burnout
C – Ad hoc studies
Whitelaw and Morda (2004) Effectiveness; Satisfaction; and Extra effort
Erkutlu (2008) Employees’ organisational commitment and job satisfaction
Patiar and Mia (2009) Financial and non-financial performance

Scott-Halsell et al. (2008) Students’ emotional intelligence as an of TL antecedent^
Source: author

utilising transformational leadership Table 3 - 7 Leadership outcomes measured in the (empirical) hospitality studies

studies utilising transformational leadership
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