5 Steps to a 5 AP Chemistry

(coco) #1
Nuclear Chemistry  263

enough neutrons (or has too many protons) to be stable. Decay modes which increase the
number of neutrons, decrease the number of protons, or both, would be favored. Both
positron emission and electron capture accomplish this by converting a proton into a
neutron. As a general rule, positron emission occurs with lighter isotopes and electron
capture with heavier isotopes.
Isotopes that are neutron-rich, that have too many neutrons or not enough protons, lie
above the belt of stability and tend to undergo beta emission because that decay mode con-
verts a neutron into a proton.
A particular isotope may undergo a series of nuclear decays until finally a stable isotope
is formed. For example, radioactive U-238 decays to stable Pb-206 in 14 steps, a majority
of which are alpha emissions, as one might predict.

Nuclear Decay Calculations

A radioactive isotope may be unstable, but it is impossible to predict when a certain atom
will decay. However, if a statistically large enough sample is examined, some trends
become obvious. The radioactive decay follows first-order kinetics (see Chapter 14 for
a more in-depth discussion of first-order reactions and equations). If the number of
radioactive atoms in a sample is monitored, it can be determined that it takes a certain
amount of time for half the sample to decay; it takes the same amount of time for half the
remaining sample to decay; and so on. The amount of time it takes for half the sample to
decay is called the half-life of the isotope and is given the symbol t1/2. The table below
shows the percentage of radioactive isotope remaining versus half-life.

0 100


3 12.5
4 6.25

5 3.12
6 1.56

7 0.78
8 0.39

9 0.19
10 0.09

As a general rule, the amount of radioactivity at the end of 10 half-lives drops below
the level of detection and the sample is said to be “safe.”
Half-lives may be very short, 4.2 × 10 −^6 seconds for Po-213, or very long, 4.5 × 109
years for U-238. The long half-lives of some waste products is a major problem with nuclear
fission reactors. Remember, it takes 10 half-lives for the sample to be safe.
If only multiples of half-lives are considered, the calculations are very straightforward.
For example, I-131 is used in the treatment of thyroid cancer and has a t1/2of eight days.
How long would it take to decay to 25% of its original amount? Looking at the chart, you
see that 25% decay would occur at two half-lives or 16 days. However, since radioactive
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