Example 6.7
Draw the Lewis structure of and discuss the bonding in formaldehyde, CH
O. 2
a) in-phase combination =
b) out-of-phase combination = * MO
nodal plane
Figure 6.18 Combining s orbitals The orbitals on the left are the
AOs that combine to produce the
MOs on the right. MOs can be repr
esented in either way.
VE = 4 + 2(1) + 6 = 12; ER = 2(8) + 2(2) = 20;
SP = ½ (20 – 12 = 4. Four shared pairs are
required, but double bonds cannot be placed
to H, so the C-O bond must be a double
bond. There are no other acceptable resonanc
e forms that obey the octet rule. The three
electron regions around the carbon make it sp
2 hybridized. CH
O is planar, with bond 2
angles ~120
o. The C-H bonds are
σ bonds while the C=O double bond contains one
bond and one
π bond. All formal charges are zero. The Lewis, ball-and-stick, and space-
filling representations of formaldehyde are given in the margin.
molecular orbital
(MO) theory, atomic orbitals
on different atoms
mix to produce
bonds that can be localized betw
een two atoms but are frequently
delocalized over several.
MO theory is more powerful in its predictive power, but it is also more difficult to use. Thus, chemists use both theories, choosing the one that is easier to use while still providing sufficient predictive power. In this section, we present a qualitative introduction to molecular orbital theory; one that intr
oduces some important terms, presents a more
satisfying picture of delocalization, and explains the electronic structure of molecules.
In MO theory, atomic orbitals (AOs) are co
mbined to form molecular orbitals (MOs)
using the same rules that were used
for constructing hybrid orbitals:
- Regions in which the phases
of the atomic orbitals are t
he same add constructively to
produce large lobes, but regions in which th
e phases are opposite add destructively and
often annihilate.
- The number of MOs produced must equal the num
ber of AOs used in their construction.
The case of combining two s orbitals is
considered below and in Figure 6.18.
Bonding interactions
result when the inte
racting lobes of the AOs have the same phase
(Figure 6.18a). Bonding interactions are characterized by an accumulation of electron density between the nuclei, which lowers the energy
of the molecular orbital relative to that of
the interacting AOs.
Antibonding interactions
are produced when the interact
ing lobes of the AOs are of
opposite phase (Figure 6.18b). They are charac
terized by an annihilation of electron density
between the two atoms. We conclude that
antibonding interactions contain nodal planes
to the bonding axis
. Decreased electron density between the nuclei results in
more interaction between the positive charges, which raises the energy of the molecular orbital relative to that of the
interacting AOs. Antibonding MO’s
are designated with a “*”. For
example, the
* and σ
*, (pronounced “sigma star” and “pi star”) are the antibonding π
combinations that contain nodal planes perpendicular to the bonding axis.
Chapter 6 Molecular Structure & Bonding
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