International Conference on the Role and Place of Music in the Education of Youth and Adults; Music in education; 1955

(singke) #1

The foundation, early in the century, of the Philharmonic Society and
the opening of the National Academy of Music were two events of
outstanding importance for music in Peru.
The dissemination of good music was one of the main objects of
both institutions. Overcoming grave difficulties, of the type with which
the introduction of a so far unpractised form of art is usually beset,
they managed to collect the personnel-of varying quality, unfortu-
nately-for chamber music, choral and orchestral combinations ; and
thus their work of education began. They displayed their standards for
many years in a series of fortnightly recitals in the premises of the Phil-
harmonic Society and occasional concerts in the theatres of the capital.
Both the Philharmonic Society and what is now the Conservatory are
still extremely active in work for Peruvian music.
Before the first world war the Peruvian public had not many chances
of hearing distinguished performers. But from 1914 onwards Peru was
frequently visited by opera companies, chamber music groups, indi-
vidual artists, etc., of international renown.
Occasionally, symphony concerts were given by orchestras of the
opera companies. At a later stage, foreign musicians who had settled
in Peru formed choral and chamber music groups, good in themselves
but somewhat sporadic in their activities. Nevertheless, the standard
of taste in Peruvian musical circles was gradually rising.
Still later, gramophone records and the wireless made an effective
contribution to the dissemination of music.
At the beginning of the second world war, the formation took place
of the National Symphony Orchestra, destined to be a most powerful
educational influence. Its members included both foreigners and Peru-
vians, and it was given a permanent conductor.
Musicians of the symphony orchestra have formed new orchestral
and chamber music groups which give performances in theatres and
concert halls and on the radio. The National Symphony Orchestra
itself gives weekly concerts throughout the year, in winter in the Muni-
cipal Theatre and in summer in the Campo de Marte.
Visits to Peru by distinguished conductors, pianists, violonists, sing-
ers, etc., to perform with the symphony orchestra, are now frequent.
Thus music is on the upgrade in Lima. In the provinces the process
has not yet advanced sufficiently far. Nevertheless, in some areas real
progress has been made owing to the enthusiasm and tenacity with
which music lovers have fought to raise the local standards of taste.

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