International Conference on the Role and Place of Music in the Education of Youth and Adults; Music in education; 1955

(singke) #1

Masic in education

three and four staves (as in Gregorian music) and finally the ordinary

  1. For psychological and practical reasons we are averse to basing
    vocal musical training on absolute pitch.
    Moreover the same interval does not function in the same way in
    all modes. A particular interval, which the children know and can
    easily grasp in the major mode, becomes harder in the minor or the
    mixolydian. The intervals must therefore be viewed in their modal
    Mrs. Justine Ward, the inventor of the method, therefore devised
    special ‘guidance’ exercises for each mode, exhibiting the note-
    sound in their natural ‘inclinations’.

  2. Training of the ear is not done by ‘imitation’. The exercises are so
    devised that pupils can themselves find the intervals. We leave them
    the pleasure of discovery, of overcoming the difficulties.
    I feel that too much, in contemporary teaching theory, is made
    of ‘enjoyment’. If some authors are to be believed, all lessons should
    be an agreeable pastime, an unending diversion. In some schools
    I have seen cupboards which were often more like toy shops. There
    is a tendency to forget that real enjoyment is the result of concen-
    tration, which is only achieved by fairly hard work.

  3. With regard to the repertory, this must obviously be of a high
    standard. In the Ward method, it consists of children’s songs and
    traditional songs, folk melodies borrowed from the different
    countries, and canons by the great masters. A preponderant place
    is given to Gregorian chant, first and foremost because we consider
    it the ideal expression of prayer, and also because it is the basis of
    all music. It has a richness which nowadays seems to be seldom
    achieved, a flexible rhythm free from the tyranny of stave and bar,
    and a more extensive modal vocabulary than that of contemporary
    music, confined as the latter is to major and minor.
    Every form of modern music can be identified in the Gregorian
    chant. The Gregorian cantilena is the highest form of art, because
    it achieves the maximum of expression with a minimum of resources.

[Translated from fbe French]
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