International Conference on the Role and Place of Music in the Education of Youth and Adults; Music in education; 1955

(singke) #1

annual conference of the International Folk Music Council. Convinced
that folk music possesses certain fundamental qualities which make it
indispensable both from the point of view of general education and special-
ized music education, the council suggests that the use of traditional music
be encouraged at all stages of education.
Mr. Charles Seeger’s ‘Proposal to found an International Society for
Music Education’ was read by Mr. Jack Bornoff, the executive secretary of
the International Music Council, at the fifth plenary session. The society
to be established was defined as an ‘interest group’ with the purpose of
gathering and disseminating information, facilitating interchange of men,
music and materials, setting up an international institute for music education
(if the necessary funds can be obtained), and of publishing an international
journal of music education. There would be three standing committees:
for music in general education; for education of the professional musician;
for education of the scholar or musicologist. The proposed society would
interest itself in the whole field of music education, be it professional or
The statutes of the proposed society together with temporary provisions
(worked out by the Preparatory Commission in Philadelphia) had been
distributed to the members of the conference. Mr. Jack Bornoff commended
the proposal on behalf of the International Music Council. After a short
debate it was unanimously accepted by the assembly. The chairman appointed
a nominating committee so that an ad interim board of directors of the newly
established society could be elected at this, the final plenary session of the
This bureau, proposed by the nominating committee and elected by the
conference, is composed as follows : president: Dr. Arnold Walter (Canada) ;
vice-presidents : Dr. Egon Kraus (Germany), Sir Bernard Heinze (Australia),
Mr. Domingo Santa-Crut (Chile) ; general secretary: Miss Vanett Lawler
(United States of America) ; members : Miss Lucrecia Kasilag (Philippines),
Mr. Raymond Loucheur (France), Mr. Willum Hansen (Denmark).


Commission A

The assignment of Commission A1 was the study of music education in
schools, at all levels and in all its ramifications. Consideration of pre-school
training and private instruction were added to round out the picture, but
the emphasis was clearly on school music itself, on problems concerning
elementary schools, secondary schools and universities-time allotted,

  1. Chairman: Mr. Domingo Santa-Cruz (Chile); rapporteur: Mr. I. R. Malters (United

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