Addiction Medicine: Closing the Gap between Science and Practice

(lu) #1

10b. When you think about treatment for addiction, what kinds of treatments come to mind? What are
different types of addiction treatment you know about? (PROBE) Anything else? Are there any
other types of treatment available for addiction that you know of?

40.1 Narcotic Anonymous (NA) or other similar 12-step programs
39.7 Hospitals
20.1 Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
12.1 Prescription medications for addiction--patches and pills, suboxone, naltrexone or
11.4 Residential rehabilitation clinics such as Betty Ford or Hazelden
10.1 Outpatient clinic or day treatment programs
8.2 Psychological therapies in either an individual or group setting
6.0 Comprehensive addictions treatment combining prescribed medication, individual and
group therapy, and mutual support groups
5.6 Office-based treatment by a therapist or counselor
5.3 Religious or spiritual recovery programs
4.5 Hospital inpatient detoxification
3.5 Other mutual support or self-help programs such as Smart Recovery
2.3 Detoxification in a jail cell or prison
1.8 Talking to priest or pastor
0.7 Hotlines/Help lines, Quit lines
0.5 Office-based treatment by a physician
4.8 Other* (specify)

  • The number of responses in the “Other” option are quite varied and therefore, not
    specified here.
    4.0 None
    7.5 Not sure

11a. Now I would like to read two views about medicines to treat addictions and have you tell me
which one comes closer to your personal point of view.

Statement A: It is good news that there are medicines to treat addictions.
81.0 Good news
Statement B: It is not good news that there are medicines to treat addictions.*
14.2 Not good news
4.8 Not sure

11b. Now I would like to read two views about medicines to treat addictions and have you tell me
which one comes closest to your personal point of view.

Statement A: It is good news that there are medicines to treat addictions, because addictions are
medical conditions that medicine can help.
54.6 Good news
Statement B: It is not good news that there are medicines to treat addictions, because this only
replaces one addiction with another.*
38.3 Not good news
7.1 Not sure

  • Asked of one-half of the respondents.

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