Addiction Medicine: Closing the Gap between Science and Practice

(lu) #1

Not at all Somewhat Very much
Insufficient federal- or state-level education and
training requirements for individuals providing
addiction treatment

34.9 47.0 18.1

Insufficient professional standards related to
knowledge and clinical skills for individuals
providing addiction treatment

41.0 38.6 20.5

Limited motivation among staff members to be
knowledgeable about evidence-based best practices

33.7 42.2 24.1

Insufficient access to information about best

36.1 50.6 13.3

High volume of paperwork (reporting requirements
that take up too much time and resources)

1.2 22.0 76.8

  1. How important do you think it is that there be national standards for how addiction/substance
    abuse treatment services should be delivered to patients/clients?
    11.0 Not at all important (GO TO #36)
    18.3 Slightly important
    29.3 Moderately important
    41.5 Very important

  2. Which of the following would be in the best position to decide on such national standards for the
    delivery of addiction/substance abuse treatment services? (CHECK THE ONE THAT BEST
    APPLIES) (n=72, those who did not answer “Not at all Important” in Q34)
    11.1 The federal government
    40.3 National professional organizations
    36.1 State professional organizations
    12.5 Other (PLEASE SPECIFY)


  1. What are the three main ways your program evaluates how well it is doing? (CHECK UP TO
    0.0 Our program does not conduct evaluations (GO TO #37)
    8.4 Informal reports of staff perceptions
    54.2 Random client feedback/testimonials
    43.4 Drug test results
    68.7 Program completion rates
    2.4 Reduction in use based on self-report of clients only
    24.1 Reduction in use based on self-report of clients AND information from other sources
    7.2 Abstinence from use based on self-report of clients only
    42.2 Abstinence from use based on self-report of clients AND information from other sources
    2.4 Remission of symptoms based on self-report of clients only
    22.9 Remission of symptoms based on self-report of clients AND information from other sources
    1.2 Reduced recidivism rates for criminal offenders based on self-report of clients only
    13.3 Reduced recidivism rates for criminal offenders based on self-report of clients AND other
    information from justice departments

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