Addiction Medicine: Closing the Gap between Science and Practice

(lu) #1

  1. If training were offered, which one or two training topics would be most helpful to you
    personally? (CHECK UP TO TWO RESPONSES)
    17.0 Diagnosis/assessment via interview
    7.8 Using standardized screening instruments
    21.3 Etiology and prevalence of co-occurring disorders
    17.0 Preferred treatment practices
    25.5 Motivational interviewing
    24.8 Specialized group treatments
    12.8 Pharmacological treatments
    19.9 Assertive case management approaches
    7.1 Specialized 12-step facilitation approaches
    35.5 Individual/group psychotherapies
    3.6 Other (PLEASE SPECIFY)

  2. To what extent does each of the following stand in the way of people looking for needed
    treatment for addiction/substance abuse?
    Not at all Somewhat Very much
    Denial of an addiction problem 2.9 12.2 84.9
    Belief that treatment does not work 9.4 59.0 31.7
    Fear that one will be discriminated against if
    looking for treatment

18.1 51.4 30.4

Fear of losing child custody (to the state or to
another individual competing for custody)

4.3 37.0 58.7

Fear of losing job 5.8 38.4 55.8
Fear of being sent to prison or jail 20.3 42.8 37.0
Inability to pay/lack of or insufficient medical

6.5 42.8 50.7

Waiting lists that are too long 29.7 49.3 21.0

  1. Which of the following describes your opinion on the best way to structure the delivery of
    substance-addiction treatment in the U.S.? (CHECK THE ONE THAT BEST APPLIES)
    8.1 The system should be integrated into the medical system such that addiction is treated as a
    health condition by heath care professionals (GO TO #14)
    21.3 The system should revolve around a recovery support model, with self-help/mutual support
    programs as the main intervention (GO TO #14)
    60.3 The system should be two-tiered with health care professionals providing
    psychotherapeutic and pharmacological interventions and individuals in recovery providing
    recovery support services (GO TO #14)
    10.3 Nothing should change

  2. Why did you say that nothing should change? (Those who answered “Nothing should change” in Q12)
    28.6 Because the system is structured in the best possible way
    0.0 Because a change in the way that treatment for addiction is delivered would be too costly
    7.1 Because change in the way that treatment for addiction is delivered would be too disruptive
    to individuals involved in treatment recovery
    7.1 Because we do not know how to change the treatment system
    57.1 Other reason

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