Addiction Medicine: Closing the Gap between Science and Practice

(lu) #1

  1. Given sufficient resources, what are three ways you would suggest for improving the treatment
    system for addiction or substance abuse in New York?
    11.4 Case management services (housing, job training, child care, etc.)
    9.6 Uniform system/less paperwork
    8.9 Better education/training system for providers
    8.6 Effective/more proven treatments, customized/quality treatments
    7.5 Incentives for workers/providers, higher pay
    6.8 Affordable healthcare/insurance
    6.4 Better funding/cut costs
    5.7 Improve availability of programs, more time with clients
    5.4 Women/family/children customized treatment
    5.0 Hire more qualified staff
    24.6 Other (PLEASE SPECIFY)


  1. In what year were you born?
    17.9 Before 1950
    32.1 1950-1959
    25.4 1960-1969
    16.4 1970-1979
    6.0 1980-1989
    2.2 Other (PLEASE SPECIFY)

  2. Are you Hispanic/Latino/Latina or of Spanish origin?
    14.1 Yes
    85.9 No

  3. Which racial or ethnic group do you identify?
    63.0 White
    21.5 African American
    0.7 Asian American/Pacific Islander
    0.7 Native American
    14.1 Other

  4. What is your gender?
    39.4 Male
    60.6 Female

  5. What is the highest level of education you have completed?
    0.7 Less than high school graduation (Go to #35)
    6.6 High school graduate or GED (Go to #35)
    29.9 Some college or associate degree (Go to #35)
    27.7 Four-year college degree (Go to #35)
    35.0 Graduate or postgraduate degree

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