Simple Nature - Light and Matter

(Martin Jones) #1
18 bestt = t
19 c1 = bestc1
20 c2 = bestc2
21 c3 = (b-c1*a-c2*a**2)/(a**3)
22 print(c1, c2, c3, bestt)
23 if (bestj == 1) and (bestk == 1) :
24 d = d*.5

Derivation of the steady state for damped, driven oscillations
Using the trig identities for the sine of a sum and cosine of a sum, we can change equation [2]
on page 181 into the form
(−mω^2 +k) cosδ−bωsinδ−Fm/A




(−mω^2 +k) sinδ+bωcosδ


cosωt= 0.

Both the quantities in square brackets must equal zero, which gives us two equations we can
use to determine the unknownsAandδ. The results are

δ= tan−^1

mω^2 −k
= tan−^1
Q(ω^2 o−ω^2 )



(mω^2 −k)^2 +b^2 ω^2



(ω^2 −ω^2 o)^2 +ω^2 oω^2 Q−^2


Proofs relating to angular momentum
Uniqueness of the cross product
The vector cross product as we have defined it has the following properties:
(1) It does not violate rotational invariance.
(2) It has the propertyA×(B+C) =A×B+A×C.
(3) It has the propertyA×(kB) =k(A×B), wherekis a scalar.
Theorem:The definition we have given is the only possible method of multiplying two vectors
to make a third vector which has these properties, with the exception of trivial redefinitions
which just involve multiplying all the results by the same constant or swapping the names
of the axes. (Specifically, using a left-hand rule rather than a right-hand rule corresponds to
multiplying all the results by−1.)
Proof:We prove only the uniqueness of the definition, without explicitly proving that it has
properties (1) through (3).
Using properties (2) and (3), we can break down any vector multiplication (Axˆx+Ayˆy+
Azˆz)×(Bxˆx+Byˆy+Bzˆz) into terms involving cross products of unit vectors.
A “self-term” likeˆx×xˆmust either be zero or lie along thexaxis, since any other direction
would violate property (1). If was not zero, then (−ˆx)×(−xˆ) would have to lie in the opposite

1024 Chapter Appendix 2: Miscellany

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