SA licensed. 390 Traffic:Wikipedia user Diliff, CC-BY licensed. 397 GPS:Wikipedia user HawaiianMama,
CC-BY license. 397 Atomic clock on plane: Copyright 1971, Associated press, used under U.S. fair use
exception to copyright law. 398 Football pass: Wikipedia user RMelon, CC-BY-SA licensed. 400 Horse:
From a public-domain photo by Eadweard Muybridge, 1872. 400 Satellite: From a public-domain artist’s
conception of a GPS satellite, product of NASA. 401 Joan of Arc holding banner: Ingres, 1854. 401 Joan
of Arc interrogated:Delaroche, 1856. 409 Muon storage ring at CERN:(c) 1974 by CERN; used here under
the U.S. fair use doctrine. 409 Colliding nuclei:courtesy of RHIC. 416 Machine gunner’s body: Redrawn
from a public-domain photo by Cpl. Sheila Brooks. 416 Machine gunner’s head: Redrawn from a sketch by
Wenceslas Hollar, 17th century. 434 Eclipse:1919, public domain. 434 Newspaper headline:1919, public
domain. 436 Photo of PET scanner:Wikipedia user Hg6996, public domain. 436 Ring of detectors in PET
scanner:Wikipedia user Damato, public domain. 436 PET body scan:Jens Langner, public domain. 473
Lightning:C. Clark, NOAA photo library. 485 Millikan:contemporary. 489 Thomson:Harper’s Monthly,
- 497 nuclear fuel pellets: US DOE, public domain. 509 nuclear power plant: Wikipedia user Stefan
Kuhn, CC-BY-SA licensed. 515 GAMMASPHERE:Courtesy of C.J. Lister and R.V.F. Janssens. 515 H
bomb test: public domain product of US DOE, Ivy Mike test. 515 Fatu Hiva Rainforest: Wikipedia user
Makemake, CC-BY-SA licensed. 515 fusion reactor:“These images may be used free of charge for educational
purposes but please use the acknowledgement ‘photograph courtesy of EFDA-JET”’. 515 sun:SOHO (ESA
and NASA). 517 Chernobyl map:CIA Handbook of International Economic Statistics, 1996, public domain.
518 Fifty-foot woman:Public domain due to nonrenewal of copyright. 518 Zombies:Public domain due to an
error by the distributor in failing to place a copyright notice on the film. 521 Horses:(c) 2004 Elena Filatova.
521 Polar bear:U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, public domain. 522 UNILAC:Copyrighted, not covered by
the book’s copyleft. 530 Knifefish: Courtesy of Greg DeGreef. 541 Superconducting accelerator segment:
Courtesy of Argonne National Laboratory, managed and operated by the University of Chicago for the U.S.
Department of Energy under contract no. W-31-109-ENG-38. 582 LIGO:California Institute of Technology.
593 Topographical map: United States Geological Survey, 19th century, uncopyrighted.. 612 Capacitors:
Wikipedia user de:Benutzer:Honina, CC-BY-SA licensed. 612 Inductors:Wikipedia user de:Benutzer:Honina,
CC-BY-SA licensed. 621 Ballasts: Magnetic ballast: Wikimedia Commons use Atlant, CC-BY; solid-state
ballast: Wikipedia user Anton, CC-BY-SA. 686 C.S. Wu: Smithsonian Institution, believed to be public
domain. 686 Swan Lake:Peter Gerstbach, GFDL 1.2. 712 Faraday banknote:fair use. 713 Ascending
and Descending: (c) 1960, M.C. Escher. 738 Laminated core: Wikipedia user ArnoldReinhold, CC-BY-SA
licensed. 738 Ferrite bead: Photo of clip-on bead by the author; photo of built-in bead by Wikipedia user
Stwalkerster, CC-BY-SA. 740 Levitating frog:“Permission granted for this photo to be licensed under the GNU-
type license by Lijnis Nelemans, High Field Magnet Laboratory, Radboud University Nijmegen.”. 742 Core
memory:H.J. Sommer III, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Penn State University, CC-BY. 742 Hysteresis
curve:Based on a figure by Wikipedia user Omegatron, CC-BY-SA licensed. 743 Fluxgate compass:Wikipedia
user Mike1024, public domain. 763 Rays of sunlight:Wikipedia user PiccoloNamek, CC-BY-SA. 766 Jupiter
and Io:NASA/JPL/University of Arizona. 775 Ray-traced image:Gilles Tran, Wikimedia Commons, public
domain. 779 Praxinoscope: Thomas B. Greenslade, Jr.. 781 The Sleeping Gypsy: H. Rousseau, 1897.
784 Flower: Based on a photo by Wikimedia Commons user Fir0002, CC-BY-SA. 784 Moon: Wikimedia
commons image. 785 Ladybug:Redrawn from a photo by Wikimedia Commons user Gilles San Martin, CC-
BY-SA. 797 Fish-eye lens: Martin D”urrschnabel, CC-BY-SA. 799 Hubble space telescope:NASA, public
domain. 800 Cross-section of eye: NEI. 800 Eye’s anatomy: After a public-domain drawing from NEI.
804 Water wave refracting: Original photo from PSSC. 805 Ulcer: Wikipedia user Aspersions, CC-BY-SA.
812 Diffraction of water waves:Assembled from photos in PSSC. 812 Counterfactual lack of diffraction of
water waves: Assembled from photos in PSSC. 812 Diffraction of water waves: Assembled from photos in
PSSC. 813 Scaling of diffraction:Assembled from photos in PSSC. 814 Huygens:Contemporary painting?.
815 Diffraction of water waves:Assembled from photos in PSSC. 816 Young:Wikimedia Commons, “After
a portrait by Sir Thomas Lawrence, From: Arthur Shuster & Arthur E. Shipley: Britain’s Heritage of Science.
London, 1917”. 821 Single-slit diffraction of water waves: PSSC. 821 Simulation of a single slit using
three sources: PSSC. 822 Pleiades: NASA/ESA/AURA/Caltech, public domain. 822 Radio telescope:
Wikipedia user Hajor, CC-BY-SA. 824 Air wedge:Franklin D. Jones, 1920, public domain. 839 Pleiades:
NASA/ESA/AURA/Caltech, public domain. 841 Anamorphic image:Wikipedia user Istvan Orosz, CC-BY.
855 Mount St. Helens:Public-domain image by Austin Post, USGS. 870 Ozone maps:NASA/GSFC TOMS
Team. 871 Photon interference photos:Courtesy of Prof. Lyman Page. 889 Wicked witch:W.W. Denslow, - Quote from The Wizard of Oz, by L. Frank Baum, 1900. 912 Dance of the baby swans from Swan Lake:
Line art by B. Crowell, CC-BY-SA licensed. Based on a photo by Paata Vardanashvili, CC-BY licensed. 912
Circle dancing:Franz von Stuck, 1910, public domain. 917 Superposition of pulses:Photo from PSSC Physics.
939 Hindenburg: Public domain product of the U.S. Navy. 958 Stern-Gerlach photo: Gerlach’s photo from
1922, public domain. 997 Lissajous figure:Wikimedia Commons user Alessio Damato, CC-BY-SA.