Simple Nature - Light and Matter

(Martin Jones) #1
In general, the cross product of vectorsbandchas magnitude


which can be interpreted geometrically as the area of the parallelogram formed by the two
vectors when they are placed tail-to-tail. The direction of the cross product lies along the line
which is perpendicular to both vectors; of the two such directions, we choose the one that is
right-handed, in the sense that if we point the fingers of the flattened right hand alongb, then
bend the knuckles to point the fingers alongc, the thumb gives the direction ofb×c. In terms
of components, the cross product is


The cross product has the disconcerting properties

a×b=−b×a [noncommutative]


a×(b×c) 6 = (a×b)×c [nonassociative],

and there is no “cross-division.”
For rigid-body rotation in three dimensions, we define an angular velocity vectorω, which
lies along the axis of rotation and bears a right-hand relationship to it. Except in special cases,
there is no scalar moment of inertia for whichL=Iω; the moment of inertia must be expressed
as a matrix.
Chapter 5, Thermodynamics, page 307
A fluid is any gas or liquid, but not a solid; fluids do not exhibit shear forces. A fluid in equilib-
rium exerts a force on any surface which is proportional to the surface’s area and perpendicular
to the surface. We can therefore define a quantity called thepressure,P, which is ratio of force
to area,




where the subscript⊥indicates the component of the fluid’s force which is perpendicular to the
Usually it is only the difference in pressure between the two sides of a surface that is physically
significant. Pressure doesn’t just “press down” on things; air pressure upward under your chin
is the same as air pressure downward on your shoulders. In a fluid acted on by gravity, pressure
varies with depth according to the equation


This equation is only valid if the fluid is in equilibrium, and ifgandrare constant with respect
to height.
Temperature can be defined according to the volume of an ideal gas under conditions of
standard pressure. The Kelvin scale of temperature used throughout this book equals zero at


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