k/Two vectors, 1, to which
we apply the same operation in
two different frames of reference,
2 and 3.
A useless vector operation example 58
The way I’ve defined the various vector operations above aren’t
as arbitrary as they seem. There are many different vector oper-
ations that we could define, but only some of the possible defini-
tions are mathematically useful. Consider the operation of mul-
tiplying two vectors component by component to produce a third
As a simple example, we choose vectorsPandQto have length
1, and make them perpendicular to each other, as shown in figure
k/1. If we compute the result of our new vector operation using
the coordinate system shown in k/2, we find:
Rx= 0
Ry= 0
Rz= 0
Thexcomponent is zero becausePx = 0, they component is
zero becauseQy= 0, and thezcomponent is of course zero be-
cause both vectors are in thex-yplane. However, if we carry out
the same operations in coordinate system k/3, rotated 45 degrees
with respect to the previous one, we find
Ry= 1/2
Rz= 0
The operation’s result depends on what coordinate system we
use, and since the two versions ofRhave different lengths (one
being zero and the other nonzero), they don’t just represent the
same answer expressed in two different coordinate systems. Such
an operation will never be useful in physics, because experiments
show physics works the same regardless of which way we orient
the laboratory building! The useful vector operations, such as
addition and scalar multiplication, are rotationally invariant, i.e.,
come out the same regardless of the orientation of the coordi-
nate system.
All the vector techniques can be applied to any kind of vector,
but the graphical representation of vectors as arrows is particularly
natural for vectors that represent lengths and distances. We define a
vector calledrwhose components are the coordinates of a particular
point in space,x,y, andz. The ∆rvector, whose components are
∆x, ∆y, and ∆z, can then be used to represent motion that starts at
200 Chapter 3 Conservation of Momentum