Simple Nature - Light and Matter

(Martin Jones) #1
r/The racing greyhound’s
velocity vector is in the direction
of its motion, i.e., tangent to its
curved path.

s/Example 65

A more compact notation is to write

∆r= (290 km)ˆx+ (230 km)ˆy,

where the vectorsˆx,ˆy, andˆz, called the unit vectors, are defined
as the vectors that have magnitude equal to 1 and directions lying
along thex,y, andzaxes. In speech, they are referred to as “x-hat,”
“y-hat,” and “z-hat.”

A slightly different, and harder to remember, version of this
notation is unfortunately more prevalent. In this version, the unit
vectors are calledˆi,ˆj, andˆk:

∆r= (290 km)ˆi+ (230 km)ˆj.

Applications to relative motion, momentum, and force
Vector addition is the correct way to generalize the one-dimensional
concept of adding velocities in relative motion, as shown in the fol-
lowing example:
Velocity vectors in relative motion example 65
.You wish to cross a river and arrive at a dock that is directly
across from you, but the river’s current will tend to carry you
downstream. To compensate, you must steer the boat at an an-
gle. Find the angleθ, given the magnitude,|vW L|, of the water’s
velocity relative to the land, and the maximum speed,|vBW|, of
which the boat is capable relative to the water.
.The boat’s velocity relative to the land equals the vector sum of
its velocity with respect to the water and the water’s velocity with
respect to the land,

vBL=vBW+vW L.

If the boat is to travel straight across the river, i.e., along they
axis, then we need to havevBL,x= 0. Thisxcomponent equals
the sum of thexcomponents of the other two vectors,


0 =−|vBW|sinθ+|vW L|.
Solving forθ, we find

sinθ=|vW L|/|vBW|,


θ= sin−^1

|vW L|


Section 3.4 Motion in three dimensions 205
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