Simple Nature - Light and Matter

(Martin Jones) #1
Problem 42.

Problem 43.

Problem 46.

Problem 47.

42 The figure shows a tabletop experiment that can be used to
determine an unknown moment of inertia. A rotating platform of
radiusRhas a string wrapped around it. The string is threaded
over a pulley and down to a hanging weight of massm. The mass
is released from rest, and its downward accelerationa(a >0) is
measured. Find the total moment of inertiaIof the platform plus
the object sitting on top of it. (The moment of inertia of the object
itself can then be found by subtracting the value for the empty

43 The uniform cube has unit weight and sides of unit length.
One corner is attached to a universal joint, i.e., a frictionless bearing
that allows any type of rotation. If the cube is in equilibrium, find
the magnitudes of the forcesa,b, andc.

44 In this problem we investigate the notion of division by a
(a) Given a nonzero vectoraand a scalarb, suppose we wish to find
a vectoruthat is the solution ofa·u=b. Show that the solution
is not unique, and give a geometrical description of the solution set.
(b) Do the same thing for the equationa×u=c.
(c) Show that thesimultaneoussolution of these two equations ex-
ists and is unique.

Remark:This is one motivation for constructing the number system called the
quaternions. For a certain period around 1900, quaternions were more popular
than the system of vectors and scalars more commonly used today. They still
have some important advantages over the scalar-vector system for certain appli-
cations, such as avoiding a phenomenon known as gimbal lock in controlling the
orientation of bodies such as spacecraft.
45 Show that when a thin, uniform ring rotates about a diameter,
the moment of inertia is half as big as for rotation about the axis of
symmetry. .Solution, p. 1040
46 A bug stands at the right end of a rod of length`, which is
initially at rest in a horizontal position. The rod rests on a fulcrum
which is at a distancebto the left of the rod’s center, so that when
the rod is released from rest, the bug’s end will drop. For what value
ofbwill the bug experience apparent weightlessness at the moment
when the rod is released?

47 The figure shows a trap door of length`, which is released at
rest from a horizontal position and swings downward under its own
weight. The bug stands at a distancebfrom the hinge. Because the
bug feels the floor dropping out from under it with some accelera-
tion, it feels a change in the apparent acceleration of gravity from
gto some valuega, at the moment when the door is released. Find

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