Simple Nature - Light and Matter

(Martin Jones) #1
traveling a distance 2Lparallel to thexaxis between collisions with
that wall. The time between collisions is ∆t= 2L/vx, and in each
collision thexcomponent of the atom’s momentum is reversed from
−mvxtomvx. The total force on the wall is



[monoatomic ideal gas],

where the index irefers to the individual atoms. Substituting
∆px,i= 2mvx,iand ∆ti= 2L/vx,i, we have




mv^2 x,i [monoatomic ideal gas].

The quantitymvx^2 ,iis twice the contribution to the kinetic energy
from the part of the atoms’ center of mass motion that is parallel to
thexaxis. Since we’re assuming a monoatomic gas, center of mass
motion is the only type of motion that gives rise to kinetic energy.
(A more complex molecule could rotate and vibrate as well.) If the
quantity inside the sum included theyandzcomponents, the sum
would be twice the total kinetic energy of all the molecules. Since we
expect the energy to be equally shared amongx,y, andzmotion,^1
the quantity inside the sum must therefore equal 2/3 of the total
kinetic energy, so

2 Ktotal
3 L

[monoatomic ideal gas].

Dividing byAand usingAL=V, we have

2 Ktotal
3 V
[monoatomic ideal gas].

This can be connected to the empirical relationPV ∝nT if we
multiply byV on both sides and rewriteKtotalasnK ̄, whereK ̄ is
the average kinetic energy per molecule:

PV =



nK ̄ [monoatomic ideal gas].

For the first time we have an interpretation of temperature based on
a microscopic description of matter: in a monoatomic ideal gas, the
temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy per molecule.
The proportionality between the two isK ̄ = (3/2)kT, where the
constant of proportionalityk, known as Boltzmann’s constant, has
a numerical value of 1.38× 10 −^23 J/K.
The Boltzmann constant has the value it does because the cel-
sius and kelvin scales were defined before the microscopic picture
of thermodynamics had been discovered. For some calculations, it
is more convenient to work in more natural units wherek= 1 by
definition, and then the units of temperature and energy are the

(^1) This equal sharing will be justified more rigorously on page 333.
318 Chapter 5 Thermodynamics

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