Simple Nature - Light and Matter

(Martin Jones) #1
h/Entropy can be understood
using the metaphor of a water
wheel. Letting the water levels
equalize is like letting the entropy
maximize. Taking water from the
high side and putting it into the
low side increases the entropy.
Water levels in this metaphor
correspond to temperatures in
the actual definition of entropy.

It turns out to be simpler and more useful to define changes
in entropy than absolute entropies. Suppose as an example that a
system contains some hot matter and some cold matter. It has a
relatively high grade of energy because a heat engine could be used
to extract mechanical work from it. But if we allow the hot and
cold parts to equilibrate at some lukewarm temperature, the grade
of energy has gotten worse. Thus putting heat into a hotter area
is more useful than putting it into a cold area. Motivated by these
considerations, we define a change in entropy as follows:

∆S =



[change in entropy when adding
heatQto matter at temperatureT;
∆Sis negative if heat is taken out]

A system with a higher grade of energy has a lower entropy.

Entropy is additive. example 10
Since changes in entropy are defined by an additive quantity (heat)
divided by a non-additive one (temperature), entropy is additive.
Entropy isn’t changed by a Carnot engine. example 11
The efficiency of a heat engine is defined by

efficiency = 1−QL/QH,

and the efficiency of a Carnot engine is

efficiency = 1−TL/TH,

so for a Carnot engine we haveQL/QH =TL/TH, which can be
rewritten asQL/TL=QH/TH. The entropy lost by the hot reservoir
is therefore the same as the entropy gained by the cold one.
Entropy increases in heat conduction. example 12
When a hot object gives up energy to a cold one, conservation
of energy tells us that the amount of heat lost by the hot object
is the same as the amount of heat gained by the cold one. The
change in entropy is−Q/TH+Q/TL, which is positive because
Entropy is increased by a non-Carnot engine. example 13
The efficiency of a non-Carnot engine is less than 1 - TL/TH,
soQL/QH>TL/THandQL/TL>QH/TH. This means that the
entropy increase in the cold reservoir is greater than the entropy
decrease in the hot reservoir.
A book sliding to a stop example 14
A book slides across a table and comes to a stop. Once it stops,
all its kinetic energy has been transformed into heat. As the book
and table heat up, their entropies both increase, so the total en-
tropy increases as well.

Section 5.3 Entropy as a macroscopic quantity 323
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