Simple Nature - Light and Matter

(Martin Jones) #1
it make sense that the whole thing is proportional ton? .Answer, p.
To show consistency with the macroscopic approach to thermo-
dynamics, we need to show that these results are consistent with
the behavior of an ideal-gas thermometer. Using the new defini-
tion 1/T= dS/dQ, we have 1/T = dS/dE, since transferring an
amount of heat dQinto the gas increases its energy by a correspond-
ing amount. Evaluating the derivative, we find 1/T = (3/2)nk/E,
orE= (3/2)nkT, which is the correct relation for a monoatomic
ideal gas.
A mixture of molecules example 20
.Suppose we have a mixture of two different monoatomic gases,
say helium and argon. How would we find the entropy of such a
mixture (say, in terms ofV andE)? How would the energy be
shared between the two types of molecules, i.e., would a more
massive argon atom have more energy on the average than a
less massive helium atom, the same, or less?
.Since entropy is additive, we simply need to add the entropies of
the two types of atom. However, the expression derived above for
the entropy omitted the dependence on the massmof the atom,
which is different for the two constituents of the gas, so we need
to go back and figure out how to put thatm-dependence back in.
The only place where we threw awaym’s was when we identified
the radius of the sphere in momentum space with

2 mE, but
then threw away the constant factor ofm. In other words, the final
result can be generalized merely by replacingEeverywhere with
the productmE. Since the log of a product is the sum of the logs,
the dependence of the final result onmandE can be broken
apart into two different terms, and we find








The total entropy of the mixture can then be written as

S=n 1 klnV+n 2 klnV+



n 1 klnm 1 +



n 2 klnm 2




n 1 klnE 1 +



n 2 klnE 2 +...

Now what about the energy sharing? If the total energy isE =
E 1 +E 2 , then the most ovewhelmingly probable sharing of energy
will the the one that maximizes the entropy. Notice that the depen-
dence of the entropy on the massesm 1 andm 2 occurs in terms
that are entirely separate from the energy terms. If we want to
maximizeSwith respect toE 1 (withE 2 =E−E 1 by conservation
of energy), then we differentiateSwith respect toE 1 and set it
equal to zero. The terms that contain the masses don’t have any

332 Chapter 5 Thermodynamics

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