Simple Nature - Light and Matter

(Martin Jones) #1
Our final result for the speed of the pulses is


2 T



The remarkable feature of this result is that the velocity of the
pulses does not depend at all onworh, i.e., any triangular pulse
has the same speed. It is an experimental fact (and we will also
prove rigorously below) that any pulse of any kind, triangular or
otherwise, travels along the string at the same speed. Of course,
after so many approximations we cannot expect to have gotten all
the numerical factors right. The correct result for the speed of the
pulses is





The importance of the above derivation lies in the insight it
brings —that all pulses move with the same speed — rather than in
the details of the numerical result. The reason for our too-high value
for the velocity is not hard to guess. It comes from the assumption
that the acceleration was constant, when actually the total force on
the segment would diminish as it flattened out.

Treatment using calculus
After expending considerable effort for an approximate solution,
we now display the power of calculus with a rigorous and completely
general treatment that is nevertheless much shorter and easier. Let
the flat position of the string define thexaxis, so thatymeasures
how far a point on the string is from equilibrium. The motion of
the string is characterized byy(x,t), a function of two variables.
Knowing that the force on any small segment of string depends
on the curvature of the string in that area, and that the second
derivative is a measure of curvature, it is not surprising to find that
the infinitesimal force dFacting on an infinitesimal segment dxis
given by

∂^2 y
(This can be proved by vector addition of the two infinitesimal forces
acting on either side.) The symbol∂stands for a partial derivative,
e.g., ∂/∂xmeans a derivative with respect toxthat is evaluated
while treatingtas a constant. The acceleration is thena= dF/dm,
or, substituting dm=μdx,
∂^2 y




∂^2 y


The second derivative with respect to time is related to the second
derivative with respect to position. This is no more than a fancy

362 Chapter 6 Waves

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