t/A pan pipe is an asym-
metric air column, open at the top
and closed at the bottom.
u/A concert flute looks like
an asymmetric air column, open
at the mouth end and closed at
the other. However, its patterns of
vibration are symmetric, because
the embouchure hole acts like an
open end.
this, how many times greater will its frequency be? .Answer, p.
The speed of sound example 13
We can get a rough and ready derivation of the equation for the
speed of sound by analyzing the standing waves in a cylindrical
air column as a special type of Helmholtz resonance (example
25 on page 344), in which the cavity happens to have the same
cross-sectional area as the neck. Roughly speaking, the regions
of maximum density variation act like the cavity. The regions of
minimum density variation, on the other hand, are the places
where the velocity of the air is varying the most; these regions
throttle back the speed of the vibration, because of the inertia of
the moving air. If the cylinder has cross-sectional areaA, then the
“cavity” and “neck” parts of the wave both have lengths of some-
thing likeλ/2, and the volume of the “cavity” is aboutAλ/2. We
getv =fλ= (...)
γPo/ρ, where the factor (...) represents nu-
merical stuff that we can’t possibly hope to have gotten right with
such a crude argument. The correct result is in factv=
Isaac Newton attempted the same calculation, but didn’t under-
stand the thermodynamic effects involved, and therefore got a
result that didn’t have the correct factor of
This chapter is summarized on page 1078. Notation and terminology
are tabulated on pages 1066-1067.
6.2.5 ?Some technical aspects of reflection
In this section we address some technical details of the treatment
of reflection and transmission of waves.
Dependence of reflection on other variables besides velocity
In section 6.2.2 we derived the expressions for the transmitted
and reflected amplitudes by demanding that two things match up
on both sides of the boundary: the height of the wave and the
slope of the wave. These requirements were stated purely in terms
of kinematics (the description of how the wave moves) rather than
dynamics (the explanation for the wave motion in terms of Newton’s
laws). For this reason, the results depended only on the purely
kinematic quantityα=v 2 /v 1 , as can be seen more clearly if we
rewrite the expressions in the following form:
α− 1
α+ 1
and T=
2 α
α+ 1
But this purely kinematical treatment only worked because of
a dynamical fact that we didn’t emphasize. We assumed equality
of the slopes,s 1 =s 2 , because waves don’t like to have kinks. The
underlying dynamical reason for this, in the case of a wave on a
string, is that a kink is pointlike, so the portion of the string at the
kink is infinitesimal in size, and therefore has essentially zero mass.
Section 6.2 Bounded waves 389