self-check D
Verify that this equation has the two properties we wanted..
Answer, p. 1058
KE compared tomc^2 at low speeds example 22
.An object is moving at ordinary nonrelativistic speeds. Compare
its kinetic energy to the energymc^2 it has purely because of its
.The speed of light is a very big number, somc^2 is a huge num-
ber of joules. The object has a gigantic amount of energy be-
cause of its mass, and only a relatively small amount of additional
kinetic energy because of its motion.
Another way of seeing this is that at low speeds,γis only a tiny
bit greater than 1, soEis only a tiny bit greater thanmc^2.
The correspondence principle for mass-energy example 23
.Show that the equationE=mγc^2 obeys the correspondence
.As we accelerate an object from rest, its mass-energy becomes
greater than its resting value. Nonrelativistically, we interpret this
excess mass-energy as the object’s kinetic energy,
K E=E(v)−E(v= 0)
=mγc^2 −mc^2
1 −v^2 /c^2
)− 1 / 2
and making use of the approx-
imation (1 +)p ≈1 +pfor small, we haveγ≈1 +v^2 / 2 c^2 ,
K E≈m(1 +
2 c^2
mv^2 ,
which is the nonrelativistic expression. As demanded by the cor-
respondence principle, relativity agrees with newtonian physics at
speeds that are small compared to the speed of light.
7.3.3 ?The energy-momentum four-vector
Starting fromE=mγandp=mγv, a little algebra allows one
to prove the identity
m^2 =E^2 −p^2.
We can define an energy-momentum four-vector,
p= (E,px,py,pz),
and the relationm^2 =E^2 −p^2 then arises from the inner product
p·p. SinceEandpare separately conserved, the energy-momentum
four-vector is also conserved.
Section 7.3 Dynamics 437