p/The strong nuclear force
cuts off very sharply at a range of
about 1 fm.
and protons, and protons and protons with roughly equal strength.
The strong nuclear force does not have any effect on electrons, which
is why it does not influence chemical reactions.
Unlike electric forces, whose strengths are given by the simple
Coulomb force law, there is no simple formula for how the strong
nuclear force depends on distance. Roughly speaking, it is effec-
tive over ranges of∼1 fm, but falls off extremely quickly at larger
distances (much faster than 1/r^2 ). Since the radius of a neutron or
proton is about 1 fm, that means that when a bunch of neutrons and
protons are packed together to form a nucleus, the strong nuclear
force is effective only between neighbors.
q/1. The forces cancel. 2. The forces don’t cancel. 3. In a
heavy nucleus, the large number of electrical repulsions can add up to
a force that is comparable to the strong nuclear attraction. 4. Alpha
emission. 5. Fission.
Figure q illustrates how the strong nuclear force acts to keep
ordinary nuclei together, but is not able to keep very heavy nuclei
from breaking apart. In q/1, a proton in the middle of a carbon
nucleus feels an attractive strong nuclear force (arrows) from each
of its nearest neighbors. The forces are all in different directions,
and tend to cancel out. The same is true for the repulsive electrical
forces (not shown). In figure q/2, a proton at the edge of the nucleus
has neighbors only on one side, and therefore all the strong nuclear
forces acting on it are tending to pull it back in. Although all the
510 Chapter 8 Atoms and Electromagnetism