Potential associated with a point charge example 10
.What is the potential associated with a point charge?
.As derived previously in self-check A on page 583, the field is
k Q
The difference in potential between two points on the same radius
line is
In the general discussion above,x was just a generic name for
distance traveled along the line from one point to the other, so in
this casexreally meansr.
∫r 2
r 1
∫r 2
r 1
k Q
k Q
]r 2
r 1
k Q
r 2
k Q
r 1
The standard convention is to user 1 =∞as a reference point, so
that the potential at any distancerfrom the charge is
k Q
The interpretation is that if you bring a positive test charge closer
to a positive charge, its electrical energy is increased; if it was
released, it would spring away, releasing this as kinetic energy.
self-check B
Show that you can recover the expression for the field of a point charge
by evaluating the derivativeEx=−dV/dx. .Answer, p. 1058
Weighing an electron example 11
J.J. Thomson (p. 489) is considered to have discovered the elec-
tron because he measured its charge-to-mass ratioq/mand found
it to be much larger than that of an ionized atom, interpreting this
as evidence that he was seeing a subatomic particle with a mass
much small than an atom’s. But not only is the electron’sq/m
relatively large compared to that of an atom, it is simply a huge
number (∼− 1011 C/kg) when expressed in SI units. SI units are
designed for human scales of experience, so this suggests that in
592 Chapter 10 Fields