z/In a capacitor, the current
is 90◦ ahead of the voltage in
aa/Representing functions
with points in polar coordinates.
ab/Adding two sinusoidal
tuner is hooked up to a receiving antenna. We know that a current
will flow in the circuit, and we know that there will be resonant
behavior, but it is not necessarily simple to relate current to voltage
in the most general case. Let’s start instead with the special cases
of LRC circuits consisting of only a resistance, only a capacitance,
or only an inductance. We are interested only in the steady-state
The purely resistive case is easy. Ohm’s law gives
In the purely capacitive case, the relationV =q/Clets us cal-
This is partly analogous to Ohm’s law. For example, if we double
the amplitude of a sinusoidally varying AC voltage, the derivative
dV/dtwill also double, and the amplitude of the sinusoidally varying
current will also double. However, it is not true thatI=V/R, be-
cause taking the derivative of a sinusoidal function shifts its phase by
90 degrees. If the voltage varies as, for example,V(t) =Vosin(ωt),
then the current will beI(t) =ωCVocos(ωt). The amplitude of the
current isωCVo, which is proportional toVo, but it’s not true that
I(t) =V(t)/Rfor some constantR.
A second problem that crops up is that our entire analysis of
DC resistive circuits was built on the foundation of the loop rule
and the junction rule, both of which are statements about sums. To
apply the junction rule to an AC circuit, for exampe, we would say
that the sum of the sine waves describing the currents coming into
the junction is equal (at every moment in time) to the sum of the
sine waves going out. Now sinusoidal functions have a remarkable
property, which is that if you add two different sinusoidal functions
having the same frequency, the result is also a sinusoid with that
frequency. For example, cosωt+ sinωt=
2 sin(ωt+π/4), which
can be proved using trig identities. The trig identities can get very
cumbersome, however, and there is a much easier technique involv-
ing complex numbers.
Figure aa shows a useful way to visualize what’s going on. When
a circuit is oscillating at a frequencyω, we use points in the plane to
represent sinusoidal functions with various phases and amplitudes.
self-check I
Which of the following functions can be represented in this way? cos(6t−
4), cos^2 t, tant .Answer, p. 1060
Section 10.5 LRC circuits 629