Simple Nature - Light and Matter

(Martin Jones) #1
ae/Power in a capacitor:
the rate at which energy is being
stored in (+) or removed from (-)
the electric field.

af/We wish to maximize the
power delivered to the load,Zo,
by adjusting its impedance.

and based on figure ae, you can easily convince yourself that over
the course of one full cycle, the power spends two quarter-cycles
being negative and two being positive. In other words, the average
power is zero!
Why is this? It makes sense if you think in terms of energy.
A resistor converts electrical energy to heat, never the other way
around. A capacitor, however, merely stores electrical energy in an
electric field and then gives it back. For a capacitor,

Pav= 0 [average power in a capacitor]

Notice that although the average power is zero, the power at any
given instant isnottypically zero, as shown in figure ae. The capac-
itordoestransfer energy: it’s just that after borrowing some energy,
it always pays it back in the next quarter-cycle.

An inductor
The analysis for an inductor is similar to that for a capacitor: the
power averaged over one cycle is zero. Again, we’re merely storing
energy temporarily in a field (this time a magnetic field) and getting
it back later.

10.5.9 Impedance matching
Figure af shows a commonly encountered situation: we wish to
maximize the average power,Pav, delivered to the load for a fixed
value ofVo, the amplitude of the oscillating driving voltage. We
assume that the impedance of the transmission line,ZT is a fixed
value, over which we have no control, but we are able to design the
load,Zo, with any impedance we like. For now, we’ll also assume
that both impedances are resistive. For example,ZT could be the
resistance of a long extension cord, andZocould be a lamp at the
end of it. The result generalizes immediately, however, to any kind
of impedance. For example, the load could be a stereo speaker’s
magnet coil, which is displays both inductance and resistance. (For
a purely inductive or capacitive load,Pavequals zero, so the problem
isn’t very interesting!)
Since we’re assuming both the load and the transmission line are
resistive, their impedances add in series, and the amplitude of the
current is given by



Section 10.5 LRC circuits 635
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