Simple Nature - Light and Matter

(Martin Jones) #1
with the wire, the flux through it wouldnot be zero. We there-
fore conclude that the spool-of-thread pattern is the correct one.^4
Since the particle in our example was moving perpendicular to
the field, we have|F|=|q||v||B|, so





2 k I
c^2 R

11.1.5 Symmetry and handedness

Imagine that you establish radio contact with an alien on another
planet. Neither of you even knows where the other one’s planet
is, and you aren’t able to establish any landmarks that you both
recognize. You manage to learn quite a bit of each other’s languages,
but you’re stumped when you try to establish the definitions of left
and right (or, equivalently, clockwise and counterclockwise). Is there
any way to do it?

If there was any way to do it without reference to external land-
marks, then it would imply that the laws of physics themselves were
asymmetric, which would be strange. Why should they distinguish
left from right? The gravitational field pattern surrounding a star
or planet looks the same in a mirror, and the same goes for electric
fields. However, the magnetic field patterns shown in figure s seems
to violate this principle. Could you use these patterns to explain left
and right to the alien? No. If you look back at the definition of the
magnetic field, it also contains a reference to handedness: the di-
rection of the vector cross product. The aliens might have reversed
their definition of the magnetic field, in which case their drawings
of field patterns would look like mirror images of ours, as in the left
panel of figure t.

Until the middle of the twentieth century, physicists assumed
that any reasonable set of physical laws would have to have this
kind of symmetry between left and right. An asymmetry would

(^4) Strictly speaking, there is a hole in this logic, since I’ve only ruled out a
field that is purely along one of these three perpendicular directions. What if it
has components along more than one of them? A little more work is required
to eliminate these mixed possibilities. For example, we can rule out a field
with a nonzero component parallel to the wire based on the following symmetry
argument. Suppose a charged particle is moving in the plane of the page directly
toward the wire. If the field had a component parallel to the wire, then the
particle would feel a force into or out of the page, but such a force is impossible
based on symmetry, since the whole arrangement is symmetric with respect to
mirror-reflection across the plane of the page.
Section 11.1 More about the magnetic field 685

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