p/A classical calculation of
the momentum of a light wave.
An antenna of length`is bathed
in an electromagnetic wave.
The black arrows represent the
electric field, the white circles the
magnetic field coming out of the
page. The wave is traveling to the
q/A simplified drawing of
the 1903 experiment by Nichols
and Hull that verified the pre-
dicted momentum of light waves.
Two circular mirrors were hung
from a fine quartz fiber, inside
an evacuated bell jar. A 150
mW beam of light was shone
on one of the mirrors for 6 s,
producing a tiny rotation, which
was measurable by an optical
lever (not shown). The force was
within 0.6% of the theoretically
predicted value (problem 11 on
p. 460) of 0.001μN. For compar-
ison, a short clipping of a single
human hair weighs∼ 1 μN.
zero! The simplest example of which I know is as follows. Suppose a
piece of wire of length`is bathed in electromagnetic waves coming
in sideways, and let’s say for convenience that this is a radio wave,
with a wavelength that is large compared to`, so that the fields
don’t change significantly across the length of the wire. Let’s say the
electric field of the wave happens to be aligned with the wire. Then
there is an emf between the ends of the wire which equalsE`, and
since the wire is small compared to the wavelength, we can pretend
that the field is uniform, not curly, in which case voltage is a well-
defined concept, and this is equivalent to a voltage difference ∆V =
E`between the ends of the wire. The wire obeys Ohm’s law, and
a current flows in response to the wave.^18 Equating the expressions
dU/dtandI∆Vfor the power dissipated by ohmic heating, we have
for the energy the wave transfers to the wire in a time interval dt.
Note that although some electrons have been set in motion in the
wire, we haven’t yet seen any momentum transfer, since the protons
are experiencing the same amount of electric force in the opposite
direction. However, the electromagnetic wave also has a magnetic
field, and a magnetic field transfers momentum to (exerts a force
on) a current. This is only a force on the electrons, because they’re
what make the current. The magnitude of this force equals`IB
(homework problem 6), and using the definition of force, dp/dt, we
find for the magnitude of the momentum transferred:
We now know both the amount of energy and the amount of
momentum that the wave has lost by interacting with the wire.
Dividing these two equations, we find
which is what we expected based on relativity. This can now be
restated in the form dp= (constant)E×Bdv(homework problem
Note that although the equationsp=U/cand dp= (constant)E×
Bdvare consistent with each other for a sine wave, they are not
consistent with each other in general. The relativistic argument
leading up top =U/cassumed that we were only talking about
(^18) This current will soon come to a grinding halt, because we don’t have a
complete circuit, but let’s say we’re talking about the first picosecond during
which the radio wave encounters the wire.
732 Chapter 11 Electromagnetism