Simple Nature - Light and Matter

(Martin Jones) #1

(c) Discuss how currents and magnetic fields would behave under
time reversal. .Hint, p. 1033
(d) Similarly, show that the equation dp∝E×Bis still valid under
time reversal.

52 This problem is a more advanced exploration of the time-
reversal ideas introduced in problem 51.
(a) In that problem, we assumed that charge did not flip its sign un-
der time reversal. Suppose we make the opposite assumption, that
chargedoeschange its sign. This is an idea introduced by Richard
Feynman: that antimatter is really matter traveling backward in
time! Determine the time-reversal properties ofEandBunder this
new assumption, and show that dp∝E×Bis still valid under
(b) Show that Maxwell’s equations are time-reversal symmetric, i.e.,
that if the fieldsE(x,y,z,t) andB(x,y,z,t) satisfy Maxwell’s equa-
tions, then so doE(x,y,z,−t) andB(x,y,z,−t). Demonstrate this
under both possible assumptions about charge,q→qandq→−q.

53 The purpose of this problem is to prove that the constant
of proportionalityain the equation dUm=aB^2 dv, for the energy
density of the magnetic field, is given bya=c^2 / 8 πkas asserted on
page 691. The geometry we’ll use consists of two sheets of current,
like a sandwich with nothing in between but some vacuum in which
there is a magnetic field. The currents are in opposite directions,
and we can imagine them as being joined together at the ends to
form a complete circuit, like a tube made of paper that has been
squashed almost flat. The sheets have lengthsL in the direction
parallel to the current, and widthsw. They are separated by a dis-
tanced, which, for convenience, we assume is small compared toL
andw. Thus each sheet’s contribution to the field is uniform, and
can be approximated by the expression 2πkη/c^2.
(a) Make a drawing similar to the one in figure 11.2.1 on page 690,
and show that in this opposite-current configuration, the magnetic
fields of the two sheets reinforce in the region between them, pro-
ducing double the field, but cancel on the outside.
(b) By analogy with the case of a single strand of wire, one sheet’s
force on the other isILB 1 , wereI=ηwis the total current in one
sheet, andB 1 = B/2 is the field contributed by only one of the
sheets, since the sheet can’t make any net force on itself. Based on
your drawing and the right-hand rule, show that this force is repul-
For the rest of the problem, consider a process in which the sheets
start out touching, and are then separated to a distanced. Since
the force between the sheets is repulsive, they do mechanical work
on the outside world as they are separated, in much the same way
that the piston in an engine does work as the gases inside the cylin-
der expand. At the same time, however, there is an induced emf

Problems 757
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