Simple Nature - Light and Matter

(Martin Jones) #1
13.1.5 Applications of calculus
The area under the probability distribution is of course an in-
tegral. If we call the random numberxand the probability distri-
butionD(x), then the probability thatxlies in a certain range is
given by
(probability ofa≤x≤b) =



D(x) dx.

What about averages? Ifxhad a finite number of equally probable
values, we would simply add them up and divide by how many we
had. If they weren’t equally likely, we’d make the weighted average
x 1 P 1 +x 2 P 2 +... But we need to generalize this to a variablexthat
can take on any of a continuum of values. The continuous version
of a sum is an integral, so the average is

(average value ofx) =

xD(x) dx,

where the integral is over all possible values ofx.
Probability distribution for radioactive decay example 5
Here is a rigorous justification for the statement in subsection
13.1.4 that the probability distribution for radioactive decay is found
by substitutingN(0) = 1 into the equation for the rate of decay. We
know that the probability distribution must be of the form
D(t) =k0.5t/t^1 /^2 ,
wherekis a constant that we need to determine. The atom is
guaranteed to decay eventually, so normalization gives us
(probability of 0≤t<∞) = 1




D(t) dt.

The integral is most easily evaluated by converting the function
into an exponential witheas the base
D(t) =kexp




0.5t/t^1 /^2




t 1 / 2

ln 0.5




ln 2
t 1 / 2



which gives an integral of the familiar form

ecxdx = (1/c)ecx.
We thus have

1 =−

k t 1 / 2
ln 2


ln 2
t 1 / 2




which gives the desired result:

ln 2
t 1 / 2


868 Chapter 13 Quantum Physics

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