Simple Nature - Light and Matter

(Martin Jones) #1

mechanics and zero entropy, 339.—Summary of the laws of ther-
modynamics, 339.
5.5 More about heat engines.............. 340
Problems...................... 347

6 Waves

6.1 Free waves.................... 354
Wave motion, 354.—Waves on a string, 360.—Sound and light
waves, 363.—Periodic waves, 365.—The Doppler effect, 368.
6.2 Bounded waves.................. 374
Reflection, transmission, and absorption, 374.—Quantitative treat-
ment of reflection, 379.—Interference effects, 382.—Waves bounded
on both sides, 384.—?Some technical aspects of reflection, 389.
Problems...................... 392

7 Relativity

7.1 Time is not absolute................ 397
The correspondence principle, 397.—Causality, 397.—Time distor-
tion arising from motion and gravity, 398.
7.2 Distortion of space and time............ 400
The Lorentz transformation, 400.—Theγfactor, 405.—The uni-
versal speedc, 411.—No action at a distance, 416.—The light cone,
419.—?The spacetime interval, 420.—?Four-vectors and the inner
product, 425.—?Doppler shifts of light and addition of velocities,
7.3 Dynamics.................... 429
Momentum, 429.—Equivalence of mass and energy, 433.—?The
energy-momentum four-vector, 437.—?Proofs, 440.
7.4?General relativity................. 443
Our universe isn’t Euclidean, 443.—The equivalence principle, 446.—
Black holes, 450.—Cosmology, 453.
Problems...................... 457
Exercises...................... 465

8 Atoms and Electromagnetism

8.1 The electric glue................. 473
The quest for the atomic force, 474.—Charge, electricity and mag-
netism, 475.—Atoms, 480.—Quantization of charge, 485.—The
electron, 488.—The raisin cookie model of the atom, 492.
8.2 The nucleus................... 494
Radioactivity, 494.—The planetary model, 497.—Atomic number,
501.—The structure of nuclei, 506.—The strong nuclear force, al-
pha decay and fission, 509.—The weak nuclear force; beta decay,
512.—Fusion, 514.—Nuclear energy and binding energies, 516.—
Biological effects of ionizing radiation, 517.—?The creation of the
elements, 522.
Problems...................... 524
Exercises...................... 528

Contents 9
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