Exercise 13B: Choice of quantum numbers
We could choose to identify a human by their first and last names, or by their social security
number. We’re free to choose any set of labels, as long as they’re compatible.
- Warm-up, nothing to do with quantum mechanics:
Express thex′,y′coordinates in terms of thex,ycoordinates:
x′= x+ y
y′= x+ y
- Consider these four`= 1 wavefunctions on the “quantum moat:”
Ψ = eiθ Ψ= e−iθ
Ψs= sinθ Ψc= cosθ
Determine the normalization factor for your group’s wave.
- We now want to discuss the standing waves in terms of the traveling waves:
Ψc= Ψ + Ψ
Ψs= Ψ + Ψ.
Determine the coefficients assigned to your group, and check your equation at the value ofθ
assigned to your group:θ= 0,π/2,π, or 3π/2.
- An electron is initially in state Ψc, and Jane then measures its angular momentum. Dis-
cuss what happens to the electron’s wavefunction and to Jane’s, as in sec. 13.2.4, p. 885, on
entanglement. - Discuss the probability interpretation and normalization.
Exercises 953