Simple Nature - Light and Matter

(Martin Jones) #1
a/An incident wave is partially
reflected and partially transmitted
at a step in the potentialU. The
complex wavefunctions are rep-
resented using a complex plane
perpendicular to the direction of
propagation, so that they look
like corkscrews. The incident and
reflected wavefunctions actually
superposed, but are drawn as
separate entities and offset for
purposes of visualization.

obvious that we should be able to get away with recycling that result,
both because our quantum-mechanical wavefunctions are complex
and because the Schr ̈odinger equation is dispersive, so we can no
longer assume, as we did there, that a wave packet simply glides
along rigidly (example 4, p. 968).
To sidestep the problem of dispersion, we will carry out our anal-
ysis using an infinitely long wave-train with a definite wavelength.
Let the incident wave have unit amplitude and travel to the right,

ΨI=ei(kx−ωt) (x <0),

as in example 3, p. 967. Recall that the wavenumberkis basically
just momentum,p=~k.
For the reflected and transmitted parts of the wave, we take

ΨR=Rei(−kx−ωt) (x <0),

(x >0),

where the reflected and transmitted amplitudes RandT are un-
known, and our goal is to find them. The different sign inside the
exponential for ΨRcorresponds to the opposite direction of motion
at the same speedv, while in the expression for ΨTwe have motion
to the right, but with a different momentump′=~k′as required by
conservation of energy.
Demanding continuity of Ψ gives

1 +R=T.

The derivatives are∂ΨI/∂x=ikΨI,∂ΨR/∂x=−ikΨR, and∂ΨT/∂x=
ik′ΨT, and evaluating these atx= 0,t= 0 givesik,−ikR, andik′T.
If the derivative is to be the same forx→ 0 −and forx→ 0 +, we
need to haveik−Rik=iTk′, or

1 −R=



But these two equations are exactly the same as the ones found on
p. 381 for a classical, nondispersive wave, the only difference being
the replacement ofv/v′withk′/k. To keep the writing simple, let
α= k′/k. With this replacement, the solutions are the same as
before,R= (1−α)/(1 +α) andT = 2/(1 +α). For a particle of
energyE, we can find the momentum ratioαusing conservation
of energy, α =

(E−U 2 )/(E−U 1 ). There is partial reflection
not just in the case of a sudden rise in the potential, but also at
a sudden drop (U 2 < U 1 ), which is surprising and seems to violate
the correspondence principle, but actually does not, as discussed in
example 18 on p. 907.

Section 14.5 Methods for solving the Schrodinger equation ̈ 971
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