the wrong ones). Honey should be used with discretion – make
those west things as occasional treat, not a regular meal time
In the West, we need to reduce our intake of processed
sugar. Athletes and physically active people are an exception to
this rule as they need significantly larger amounts of glucose to
sustain energy. However, a quick increase in blood sugar is best
achieved with sweet fruits such as bananas or dates. Mix them
with fats, such as those found in hemp butter, hemp milk and
avocados, for a more sustained release.
It is surprising the amount of added sugar most pre-
packaged good contain. One normal size can of cola containing
11% sugar equals to 40g of sugar. Imagine what eating so much
sugar raw does to your body. Tomato sauce contains
approximately 25% sugar, and one well-known cereal had nearly
four times as much as the cola we measured, by weight – 40%
sugar content.
For millions of years our ancestors managed to live
without this refined sugars. It seems the greedy food industry has
a lot to do with the world’s increasing consumption of this
ingredient and the subsequent rise in diabetes and glucose
intolerance. Is sugar any less addictive or worse for you in the
long run than hard drugs? Sugar is the drug of modern industry.
Once introduced into the circle by tasty products we are addicted
until we must rest from foods (fast) and sometimes go through
what can be painful and unnecessary withdrawal symptoms.
Apart from dissolving our teeth, sugar mainly stimulates the
pancreas gland in secreting one of the body’s most powerful
hormones, insulin, which we now understand ultimately tires our