As with most other fried foods, chips and crisps contain a lot of
salt in form of sodium. For most people, I believe the body is
actually craving the fat or sodium. However, the fat the body
requires is unsaturated or essential rather than saturated and
damaging fats. We can eat chips again and again, yet not fulfill our
craving. The taste buds on the tongue register fat and salt, the
mind is satisfied, the body is not. The body continues to send
messages to find fat, so we eat more chips until our body says
‘enough fats, stop!’ And still body has not received its fill of life
giving fats, yet we have become so tired from digestion our body
says rest. Some hemp, roasted with Hempso(tm) (or soy) sauce is
a great substitute here, especially when eaten with celery.
However, beware of the free flowing salts – ideally it is best to stay
natural and use celery rather than processed foods.
High THC cannabis affects the ability of the blood to carry sugar
hence ‘the munchies’. The more cannabis you consume, the more
sugar you will crave. Beware of this cyclic trap and alkalise your
body with green leafy vegetables. If you feed this cycle with more
sugar, you will running round the craving circle again and again.
Break free, understand the state of mind you crave when
consuming such substances and reach there naturally, with living
foods. An acid system promotes food cravings and therefore
overeating. A more alkaline system helps alleviate this.
The best advice I can give is that no matter what you
crave and how you deal with it, do not to feel guilty. Guilt causes
stress; both re-direct energy away from understanding any root
cause for non-natural cravings. Do not deprive yourself of
anything. Instead of saying ‘I must not eat this food as it will make