UK variety. And when in the desert, don’t choose Florida oranges
or frozen fish! However, raw fish (Japanese ‘sashimi’) is arguably
the most nutritional, digestible, enzyme-rich form of protein
available on this earth. There are no fish recipes in this book but if
you do eat fish try and source fish from clean seas and rivers
rather than reared and artificially fed fish.
The Taoists also agree with our modern day nutritionists
when they state that we should eat until we are 75% full, leaving
the rest for air. Again they state the importance of chewing foods
to assist digestion. Eating extreme temperature foods and drinks
is not advised – such as drinking cold water with meals. This is
because the cool temperatures close ducts that prevent digestive
gastric juices from entering the stomach. This permits
fermentation in the stomach. Wine and beer are the only
exceptions as they are already fermented products.
Sapoty recommends that for every 60g nuts or 160g of
avocados consumed, this should be balanced with 1kg of greens
(try it for a few days at least, it is a lot but required for a balanced
diet), 5 bananas, 6 oranges and 6 sticks of celery. Eating such
foods really made an impact on my awareness of the effects food
can have on my balance. A universal law of nature is balance.
This means that if we eat a yang food (a salty snack) we will then
feel attracted to a yin food (a sweet drink), and this happens
unconsciously. If we make these daily choices more conscious
then it is easier to stop those nagging snacks between meals by
eating more balanced meals.
A full color chart, and Sapoty’s book, Eco-Eating is
available now – see resource section.
Minerals are generally responsible for: