Microsoft Word - H.E.M.P Healthy Eating Made Possible - Paul Benhaim - Completed.docx

(Darren Dugan) #1

vegetables rich in sodium such as celery or sea vegetables.
Watch out for salt added products (or table salt) that is in its ‘free-


Contained mainly in the blood, it makes up red blood cells
(hemoglobin). The assimilation of iron is closely related to copper
in its metabolism. Women need approximately 50% more iron than
men, and 95% of the iron in our bodies is recycled.


Needs to be present with iron to form hemoglobin. Usually found
in foods with iron.


Mainly stored in the body, but if deficient, enlarges the thyroid
gland. Affects all oxidation processes in the body (especially fats &


Found mainly in chlorophyll, magnesium helps in the effective use
of fat. Magnesium deficiency is noticed by irritability. Magnesium
helps bone & teeth structure.

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