98% of the atoms in the body are completely replaced in
two years. 100% of our body is replaced inside and out within
seven years. No matter how toxic we have become, cleansing and
changing to a pure diet of mainly raw, living fresh organic foods is
guaranteed to transform you into a positively new human being
within the seven year time frame, and often a lot quicker. To
alleviate headaches, pains and the general stressful signs of
detoxification, try a fruit or vegetable juice. This will assist in
neutralising and eliminating the toxic waste that is being released.
On breaking a fast, the first few days that follow must consist of
foods that have a laxative effect, not of nutritious value such as
fresh sweet fruits and the juices. Cherries, grapes and oranges
are the best choice. Lemon juice is used in moderation (1/2 to 1
tbsp with water) in fasts to neutralise the stickiness of mucus or
The first meal after a fast should consist of a raw green
leafy salad with cucumber, celery, lettuce, spinach and parsley. If
eating a cooked meal, it is preferable to boil starch-less
vegetables such as spinach. If this causes no problems, you can
choose what to eat, but keep to the basic nutrition rules outlined in
this book. Eat large quantities each day until your appetite is fully
Two or three hours after eating, without the experience of
a properly formed stool, you should consider using an
enema/colonies. During the fast, an enema or colonies every other
day is recommended. Be careful not to become too reliant on
these methods as they can make your bowel lazy. Be sure to get
plenty of fresh air, day and night if possible. Include an hour sun