Microsoft Word - H.E.M.P Healthy Eating Made Possible - Paul Benhaim - Completed.docx

(Darren Dugan) #1

Without health, there is little one can truly enjoy. Nicholas
Culpepper wrote that hemp seed eases colic, problems with the
bowels and internal bleeding.


Some of the major causes of overeating include: forced feeding
during childhood; anxiety, diet high in spices, low mastication. If
you overeat, you find yourself tired due to digestion. Your
awareness becomes dulled and any negative feelings are dulled
making them inaccessible to our consciousness and therefore our
powers of release. Starting from when you are a baby, this
process becomes addictive. It is never too late to change these
habits to more positive ways, whether you are aged 7 or 70. But
remember to be aware of the yo-yo effect discussed earlier.

When something seemingly negative happens, rejoice.
The Asian story of Mohammed and the eagle shows why.
Mohammed was cleansing himself one day, preparing for a holy
prayer. He proceeded to clothe himself and as he reached for his
boot, an eagle snatched it away. As the boot turned upside down
a poisonous snake fell from it. Mohammed thanked the eagle by
explaining that 'What I thought was ill-mannered was really an act
of pure love. Instead of being thankful for this act of God, I was
pre-occupied with myself.'




Naturecurists advise using moderately cold water with enemas,
with no additions as recommended by Ehret. The quantity should
be a quarter to half a pint and is said to be kept within the body for
five to ten minutes. If you feel any pain, it is usually due to
obstruction by a stool inside. You can shut the water off for a few

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