bowels. Your body is supposed to be as clean as your bowels, as
your blood is nourished by the bowel which feeds all your tissues.
Foods that are high in zinc, vitamins A, C, E, brewers yeast,
molasses, lecithin and acidophilus culture are all useful. Try to eat
more soaked or sprouted hemp, sunflower and sesame seeds,
cottage cheese, tofu, avocado, legumes, green peppers, raw
tomatoes, watercress, greens, juices and stick to living foods.
Turnip juice and parsley are especially useful. Salt free sauerkraut
is great as a natural laxative. Also see the recipe for 'revitalising
After a fast we have the opportunity to eat less. If we are
not able to decrease these 'healthy1 appetites we begin to grow
spare tyres around our bodies as well as increasing the chances
of disease. Fasting and colonies/enemas are effective cures but
ultimately they will have little effect if diet and lifestyle are not
changed afterwards.
Hippocrates once said The more you feed a sick man, the
more you harm him.'
As Aristotle once said 'If there is one way better than
another, it is the way of Nature'.
I will not offer any full instructions to fast, as there are various
books available on this subject. Instead, here are some guidelines: