Microsoft Word - H.E.M.P Healthy Eating Made Possible - Paul Benhaim - Completed.docx

(Darren Dugan) #1

attacks. In conjunction with other herbs, such as yarrow or
bearberry, it will effectively treat cystitis. Echinacea, a friendly herb
that strengthens white blood cell functions, increases the body's
ability to repair and maintain itself and helps protect against new
germs. A bitter, pungent and astringent herb it is particularly
suitable for kapha types.

It is recommended to find a high strength liquid solution that is
best taken as a preventative measure. Use when travelling from a
warm to cold climate or vice-versa. Start taking a week before
changing climates, and continue for two weeks after the change.
Use for short periods like this, once or twice a year. In the case of
chronic infections such as hepatitis, echinacea may be used for
several months. However for general maintenance, taking it for a
few weeks on, and then having a break for a further few weeks is

Spilanthies Echinacea is a particularly good cultivar of the flower.
When dried, this tiny flower causes the most pleasantly
indescribable sensations in the mouth. Chew thoroughly for the full
salivating experience. Providing all the immune boosting benefits
of echinacea, it is the raw food candy.


 Wort (Hypericum Perforatum)

So called because it flowers around St John's Day (June
24). Externally it helps heal cuts and burns on the skin. Internally it
is better known for its anti-depressant effects, as it is 'nature's
prozac'. It can help most forms of nervous disorders including the
increase in depression experienced in the dark European winter
months, known as Seasonal Affective Disorders (SAD).

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