Microsoft Word - H.E.M.P Healthy Eating Made Possible - Paul Benhaim - Completed.docx

(Darren Dugan) #1

You can read more about Jasmuheen on her web site
( or purchase her
books from the FRESH network (see resource list).

'How do I know that in clinging to this life I'm not merely
clinging to a dream and delaying my entry into the real world.' by
Chuang Tze, Lao Tse's greatest disciple




Kinesiology is a technique concerning all the major muscles and
their related functions, and is also based on the Chinese
understanding of meridian lines. Kinesiology understands that
each movement is governed by one main muscle (though others
may be involved). Such movements can be tested and linked with
both physical and mental ailments. A trained kinesiologist is able
to diagnose and treat many situations that arise in life.

What is important here is how we can use this relatively
simple method to ascertain what foods are right for us. Such
methods are useful as they recognise that we are all individuals
and one food is not and cannot be perfect for all types of people.
The method described here may seem simple, but it does require
a very sensitive and aware person. You can do this with practice.
Practice with your partner until you can feel a significant difference
in muscle pulls.

To test for your individual food compatibility and allergies,
you need a partner. With one arm relaxed at you side, the other
arm extended palm down, ask your friend to place one palm on
the back of your extended palm, the other on your shoulder for
balance. Whilst resisting, ask your friend to push down to test

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