Microsoft Word - H.E.M.P Healthy Eating Made Possible - Paul Benhaim - Completed.docx

(Darren Dugan) #1

  1. Now let the counting fade away, keep a light focus on the
    sensations in the body and experience the simple peace and
    beauty of the flow of the breath.

  2. Now refine your concentration, give your attention to the
    sensation where the breath first touches the body; at the tip of the
    nose perhaps or the back of the nose. The exact position
    doesn't particularly matter, just become absorbed in the subtle,
    delicate sensation the air makes as it stimulates this point.

To finish, just bring your attention back to your body in its
fullness, and after a minute or so open the eyes and gently move
the body. Give yourself a few minutes doing nothing to allow the
effect of the meditation to be absorbed.

To start with try five minutes per stage. If this is too much
then maybe the preparation and the first two stages are enough to
begin with. Do aim at extending your practice to 30-40 minutes for
the full four stages.



Loving kindness and compassion are two of the more important
aspects of evolution. Most people feel that loving kindness and
compassion are directed at others, which is partly true. What is
often forgotten is loving kindness and compassion to ourselves
and our bodies. What, how and when we feed ourselves must, as
with all actions, be carried out with this conscious form of love.
When we starve ourselves and then eat 'anything^1 because we
are feel hungry, we are having a negative relationship with our

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