How to Order.vp

(backadmin) #1

Table 2. Rank Order by Weighted Means of Elements of Diversity Standards.

Elements of Diversity Standards Weighted Mean

  1. Commitment to hire, supervise, and retain competent personnel
    who are dedicated to promoting the success of all children. 1.85

  2. Consistency in displaying the demand and need for every school
    district employee to provide all children with hope and the
    experiences of success.


  1. High visibility and availability to build and maintain strong ties
    between families, businesses, community members, and others who
    seek to promote the success of all children.


  1. Recognition and demonstration of pedagogical characteristics and
    approaches that establish equity. 5.01

  2. Rejection of ideas that spell personal harm or violation of
    personal rights or civil law. 5.22

  3. Awareness and willingness to face the tension, conflict and
    consequences that may arise due to differing cultures, folkways, and


  1. Ability and willingness to reject any arguments of a one-to-one
    correlation between race and culture or race and intelligence. 5.78

  2. Awareness of language and communication styles of marginalized
    cultures that facilitate and implement a vision for learning and
    shaping school culture.


Note. (N= 1,087)

One way ANOVA analyses of weighted means were conducted between respondents as
specific personal heritage characteristics (gender, age, type of school district, geographic
location of school district, socio-economic status during childhood, and religion) (Table 3).
The analyses indicated a significant difference (p < .05) between the weighted mean for
women regarding the recognition and demonstration of pedagogical characteristics and
approaches that establish equity than men. In regards to age, respondents over 55 years of age
had a significantly lower weighted means for the commitment to hire, supervise, and retain
competent personnel who are dedicated to promoting the success of all children (<.05) than all
of the other age groups (25-35, 36-45, and 46-55 years of age). Respondents who were
elementary school superintendents had significantly lower weighted means for both the
rejection of ideas that spell personal harm or violation of personal rights or civil law (<.01)
and high visibility and availability to build and maintain strong ties between families,
businesses, community members, and others who seek to promote the success of all children
(<.01) than the other types of school districts (higher school, unified K-12 school districts and
One-way ANOVA analyses (Table 3) were also conducted for respondents who worked in
urban school districts. Urban school respondents had significantly lower weighted means for
the commitment to hire, supervise, and retain competent personnel who are dedicated to

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