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Perspectives on Leadership: Race, Gender and the Superintendency—A National Study 199

Table 1. Percentage of Participants Willing to Relocate for a Superintendency (N = 390).

Willing to relocate to Percent
Another state 12%
Nearby community 23%
Distant community/same state 28%
Unwilling/unable 37%

The willingness to relocate appears to support that women are becoming flexible in their
home lives and/or are changing views of themselves as sole caregivers of their families and
are willing to move to fulfill career goals.

Female Superintendents’ Perceptions of the Job

To assess participants’ perceptions of the superintendency, respondents were asked how
they perceived the job functions, requirements and responsibilities of the position. Results are
displayed in Table 2.

Table 2. Percentage of Participants’ Perceptions of the Superintendency N = 433.

The job of the superintendent is: Yes No Unsure N/R*
Pleasant 81% 6% 4% 9%

Bad 3% 80% 2% 15%

Ideal 28% 48% 10% 14%

Good 85% 4% 2% 9%

Worthwhile 94% 1% 1% 4%

Satisfying 92% 1% 2% 5%

Excellent 48% 28% 12% 12%

Difficult 71% 16% 5% 8%

Inadequate 3% 79% 3% 15%

Poor 2% 80% 3% 15%

Disagreeable 10% 71% 4% 15%

Better than most 73% 9% 6% 12%

Enjoyable 83% 4% 5% 8%

Superior 35% 37% 15% 13%

Worse than most 3% 80% 2% 15%

(*N/R = no response)

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